Important Note: This web site has not been updated since 2003 and is therefore not up-to-date. See here.

Substitution and caution signal


Substitution signal (Ersatzsignal) § 13 (30)
Permission to pass the »stop« showing main or protection signal.

Ersatzsignal am Signalnachahmer

Announcment of the substitution signal on the signal repeater.


Caution signal (Vorsichtssignal) § 13 (36)
Same as substitution signal but drive on sight until the next main signal. This signal doesn't seem to be in wide-spread use.

The substitution signal is used when the main signal cannot be set to a free aspect (for example due to a failure or engineering work). Since there is no speed indication a speed restricition to 40 km/h is applied.

(Last Update: 21.03.2003)


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