Important Note: This web site has not been updated since 2003 and is therefore not up-to-date. See here.

Railway signals in Austria

This site shows the signal aspects in use at the Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) and other Austrian railway companies. It focuses on present-day signalling, that means from 1980 until today (in 1980 the last major update of the signalling rules took place).

Structure of a signal description

Schutzsignal (Fahrverbot)

signal name ([official] German name) §  paragraph in the DV V2 ( sectionnumber)
Meaning of the signal and additional information.

The DV V2 (DV stands for »Dienstvorschrift« which means »operating rules«) is the official Austrian signal book. If there is a § given, it refers to the V2 edition 1996.


Color coding

Schutzsignal (Fahrverbot)

Present-day signal aspects.


Historic signal aspects.

Sperrsignal in Fahrtstellung (alt)

If there is uncertainty the appearance of a signal, it is shown in this background colour.

(Last Update: 25.08.2005)


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